A 3-Day VIP Vacation Tour in Medellin

a 3-day vacation tour in medellin

Medellin has so much to offer that it could take weeks to see it all. However, you can see the best of Medellin by taking our three-day VIP tour of this warm and fascinating city. If you’re planning a trip to Colombia, don’t forget to contact Medellin VIP we’ll take care of everything for you. […]

What are Finca Parties and what Makes them so Special?

What are Finca Parties and what Makes them so Special? If you’ve only recently discovered our blog, you’ve probably heard the term Finca parties thrown around more than once. We mention them on nearly all of our blog posts and you might be asking yourself, “what’s a Finca and why do they offer this option […]

Celebrate an Epic Birthday in Medellin this Summer 2019

Celebrate an Epic Birthday Weekend in Medellin this Summer 2019 When you think of guys’ trips involving married men, you think of underground fantasy baseball and fishing trips. As fun as these are, you deserve a real vacation at least once a year. A trip involving stepping away from the known and getting your feet […]

Live Like Rick Ross in Crystal Palace, Medellin

Live Like Rick Ross in Crystal Palace, Medellin featured image courtesy of nahright.com and pictures by Derrick G. As VIP Hosts in our native Medellin, Colombia, we often brag about our guests living like rappers and rockstars. That’s because many of them are. Rappers always flaunt their wealth via their music videos and Rick Ross […]

10 Medellin Tips Every Group of Males Needs to Know

Medellin Bachelor Parties

10 Medellin Tips Every Group of Males Needs to Know The trend among male travelers has always been to find new places to go on these proverbial fishing trips. So if Medellin is next, listen up. These males usually travel in groups of 5 to 15 and look for specific things in every city they […]

Crystal Palace: The Perfect Villa in Medellin

crystal palace

Crystal Palace: The Perfect Villa in Medellin Securing accommodations in Medellin is the most important thing you can do for any trip to the city of eternal spring. With hundreds of options available on the internet, it seems like the results are endless. But this isn’t the case. Many villas and penthouses draw attention from […]

6 Reasons Why you Need Medellin VIP

Medellin VIP

6 Reasons Why you Need Medellin VIP Let’s cut to the chase, what can Medellin VIP do for a bachelor party in Medellin that you can’t do for yourself? From airport shuttle service to lavish pool parties in Medellin, the sky’s the limit. But why do you need us? We’ll make it as easy and […]

12 Dos and Don’ts of Bachelor Parties in Medellin

Medellin Nightlife

Do Have your party weeks before We all saw the hangover trilogy and loved to watch how 3 unsuspecting middle aged men foolishly had their bachelor parties the night prior to Doug’s and Stu’s wedding (if you haven’t seen it you should, it’s hilarious) and found themselves in crazy adventures that none could possibly remember […]

Cartagena or Medellin for Bachelor Party

Colombia Bachelor Party

Cartagena or Medellin for Bachelor Party Bachelor parties in Colombia are a guaranteed blast wherever you choose to go. From renting a yacht for the day in Cartagena to having pool parties in a lavish Medellin Villa, there is something for everyone. But what happens when you have precious time to spare and can only […]

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