Celebrate an Epic Birthday in Medellin this Summer 2019

Celebrate an Epic Birthday Weekend in Medellin this Summer 2019 When you think of guys’ trips involving married men, you think of underground fantasy baseball and fishing trips. As fun as these are, you deserve a real vacation at least once a year. A trip involving stepping away from the known and getting your feet […]

Celebrate your 40th Birthday with Medellin VIP

where to stay in medellin

As a male, after you hit 30, birthdays can be somewhat of a drag. You get a bunch of messages and Facebook notifications from a handful of people you’ve barely met. Not only that but they’re only congratulating you because Facebook reminded them to. After 35 and on the cusp of 40, birthdays are annoying […]

Medellin Apartments: Where to Stay in Medellin

Bachelor Party Medellin

Medellin Apartments: Where to Stay in Medellin There’s nothing worse than coming to Medellin for a bachelor party and choosing to stay at a hotel. Nothing against the fine hotels found in the Poblado neighborhood but hotels have restrictions and restrictions are a problem when you don’t want to be judged and just want to […]

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