Medellin VIP

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Now that you know are coming to Medellín or you are planning to do it, you should know what are the tricks to conquer a Medellín girl and how to make your days in the city pleasant.

A general view into Medellín girls

The women of Medellín are not only beautiful because of their accentuated features. They are also friendly, for the most part, and will treat you well.

They are generally polite but conservative. Believe it or not, young women in Medellin usually live with their parents. Therefore, if you expect to have a serious relationship, you should be on good terms with their family.

If you prefer to meet girls in the nightclubs, it is advisable to go with a friend and be confident in your knowledge of Spanish. Keep in mind that not everyone is fluent in English.

But if you are more into conversation over drinks, there are bars with events like “Gringo Tuesdays”. Locals come with the aim of practicing other languages and meeting foreigners.

Tips for your dates with Medellín girls

Spanish is a must

Some women in Medellin speak English, but not all, if you want to be able to communicate more easily with them, it is preferable that you know Spanish. Even if you don’t speak Spanish perfectly, the people of Medellin will appreciate your effort to learn Spanish, and although the language is difficult, there are some tools available.

There is a free app called Duolingo that, if you haven’t used, we recommend you get on it. The tool is a didactic way to learn a new language and, in a short time, you will know enough to get by.
There is a free app called Duolingo that, if you haven’t used it, we recommend you get on. The tool is a didactic way to learn a new language, and in no time, you’ll know enough to get by. Who would’ve thought sleeping in for Spanish in high school would be so detrimental to your adult life?

Sparking up a conversation

Once you’ve found a suitable woman, you’ll need to find a topic of conversation to approach her on so that you can generate interest in her so that she wants to get to know you and wants to spend time with you.

Find out about the culture of the country, research interesting places to date and be open to seeing new places.
I suggest the age-old excuse of being in Colombia to learn Spanish. Never fails.
Many guys go to the mall as part of a big group and think that saying they’re American will get you a date. Though we like to keep you firm in our belief that you might get lucky, we don’t want to lie to you.

Navigating the Medellin Women Dating Scene

Dating in Colombia is an immersive cultural experience, filled with vibrancy and excitement. But success in the Medellin dating scene hinges on understanding local customs. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you navigate this unique cultural landscape:

1. Family First

Medellin women hold family in high regard. In fact, for many young women, living with their parents is a common practice. Approval from the family is often crucial for a serious relationship. To succeed, respect traditional values and show genuine interest in your partner’s family.

2. Direct and Traditional

Women from Medellin are straightforward, without the typical “dating games.” Women here tend to be honest about their feelings, appreciating direct communication. At the same time, they value gender roles, so be mindful of these aspects in your interactions.

3. Embrace Spanish

Even though English is becoming popular among women, fluency in Spanish is key. It not only facilitates conversations but also enhances your participation in social events. Besides, it’ll provide you with a richer understanding of Colombian culture.

women in medellin
Women in Medellin Poblado Streets


Tips for meeting girls in Medellín

Meeting women in Medellín’s nightlife scene

If you want to meet women in Medellín, here are some tips to help you do it.

Go to the right places

Head to social spots like Parque Lleras and the streets of El Poblado to maximize your chances. These areas tend to attract a mix of locals and international visitors, which creates a dynamic atmosphere. You will meet beautiful paisa girls there, but remember that they may be out partying with their friends. So be polite and respectful.

Body language matters

Before approaching a woman from Medellín, pay attention to your own body language. Paisa girls are expert observers. Stand with confidence, maintain good posture and smile.

Eye Contact

Make brief but noticeable eye contact with the woman you are interested in. It’s a subtle way to express interest and gauge her response.

Avoid approaching like a herd

Medellín’s nightlife can be very busy, and paisa girls tend to go out in groups. Instead of approaching like a pack of hyenas, look for signs of interest and then approach them.


What are the best places to pick up women in Medellin?


Medellin’s nightlife is very closed, and they won’t even give you the time of day if you approach a large group of women.

Shopping malls like Santa Fe, Oviedo, Premium Plaza or even El Tesoro will have a plethora of women working. In fact, there seem to be more women working than men! I recommend you go to the malls.

If you’re feeling more adventurous, go with our VIP host and head north to Bello or Robledo. But be aware that these are malls not as frequented by Americans.

There are also apps like Tinder, where you can meet more women and go on dates. You must be careful in the way you address women, because you must treat them well so that they want to accept a date with you. Women in Medellín are usually nice, so you should be just as nice to them. 

Organize a private night party with girls in Medellin

When traveling to Medellin for a bachelor party, planning a private night party is a must. Also, if you want to include some paisa girls, here are some helpful ideas to make it happen.

Set the stage

Choose an elegant and comfortable place for your party. It can be a rental house, a rooftop overlooking the city or a luxurious villa. Create a cozy atmosphere with dim lighting, vibrant decor and upbeat music. A private DJ is a great option to entertain guests.

Guest list and invitations

Develop a diverse guest list that includes both locals and visitors. This will create a dynamic atmosphere. Also, you can choose a theme for the party and create buzz among the guests.

Entertainment and activities

Plan engaging activities to keep the energy high throughout the evening. Consider setting up a dance floor so everyone can show off their moves.

Culinary delights

Treat your guests to a delicious menu of Colombian cuisine and international delicacies. A private chef will prepare a barbecue, plus gourmet appetizers and refreshing cocktails.

Engaging conversations

Encourage sharing and socializing among your guests by creating cozy seating areas. There they can network around common interests and experiences. Foster an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome and valued.

Respect and consent

Respect and consent in all interactions with your guests are imperative, especially when it comes to interacting with the Medellín women attending your party. Make sure that boundaries are respected at all times and that everyone feels safe and comfortable.

Remember that Medellín nightlife is cliquey, so approaching large groups of women may not yield the best results. Instead, consider hiring a VIP host who knows the local scene well. He or she can arrange nightclub reservations, transportation and even custom parties or pool parties.

A host is someone on the ground who is bilingual and represents your best interests. In fact, they will enhance your experience during your stay.


Getting Started

Are you convinced? Well, do something about it. Contact us today for more information on trips to Medellin, Cartagena, and Colombia in general. We have the hookup on the best vacation rentals, tours, and VIP concierge services.

As you embark on hosting a private late-night party with Medellin girls, remember to embrace spontaneity. May your soirée be filled with laughter, dance, and unforgettable memories. Cheers to an extraordinary experience in the vibrant city of Medellin!

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