Top 5 places to stay and party in Colombia’s coolest city

stunning house-rentals for a memorable bachelor party in medellin

When it comes to celebrating your buddy´s bachelor party, after choosing the destination, the next thing you must figure out is the accommodation. I can’t assure you that you don’t want your best friend to spend his last days of freedom in a cozy hotel room. This is why, if you are traveling to Medellin, […]

Best VIP Vacation Rentals in Medellin You Must Book

Best VIP Vacation Rentals in Medellin

You’ve probably heard that Medellin is a popular tourist destination in Colombia, but you haven’t heard enough until you go on a Medellin VIP tour. Discover Medellin’s vibrant nightlife, rich culture, and stunning scenery as an exclusive host in the best luxury vacation rentals in the city. Only for Medellin’s VIP visitors! Choosing the perfect […]

Medellin Apartments: Where to Stay in Medellin

Bachelor Party Medellin

Medellin Apartments: Where to Stay in Medellin There’s nothing worse than coming to Medellin for a bachelor party and choosing to stay at a hotel. Nothing against the fine hotels found in the Poblado neighborhood but hotels have restrictions and restrictions are a problem when you don’t want to be judged and just want to […]

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